
Regional Museum Mělník.

Regional Museum Mělník

Pšovka – Kokořín area residents’ association – a civil–action group aimed at preservation and revitalization of small religious buildings and natural monuments. In these web pages you can find not only a summary of designs and activities, but also a very attractive exhibition of the Kokořín area historical photos.

CHKO Kokořínsko

The Kokořín Protected Area (KPA) – the website of the KPA.

Those interested in rock climbing certainly appreciate information on the website of The Mšeno Mountaineering Club as well as a brief description of some routes in the Dubské Rocks locality on the server

Interesting information can also be found on climbing club Mělník, for example the Klempera’s wall first–climb.

The Mšeno Mountaineering Club

Czech genealogy on the Internet (here is an overview of links to various interesting places devoted to genealogy, especially Czech one) and generations of family Kroužek – nowhere else you will find so much about the Kroužek family as here!

Interesting information about the Klemperka cave, Kokořín and other places in the neighborhood, nice photos.


Drawings of various Czech castles © Karel Hynek Mácha, recommended!

Design School focuses on adults education in the field of interior design. You will find both long-term study programs and one–time courses.

Design School

Other links will be added in the near future.